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Kahoot is a very fun, educational website. You can make contests on it and you can compete with other people. Go to to see the site. To use Kahoot for learning, the teacher makes a series of questions about a topic that we are learning about. Then the whole class competes with each other, answering all the questions. The teacher can see which questions each student got right and wrong. It is like an extremely fun version of a test. 

The contests go like this:


A question is shown on the board. Then, all of the students have to answer it on their computers. If you get it wrong, you don't get any points. If you get it right, you get a certain amount of points, depending on how fast you answer it. The faster you answer it, the more points you get. The same thing happens with every question, until all of the questions have been answered. Whoever has the most points at the end wins! This helps us to learn because we get to practice different things we have learned over the year, while competing with eachother.

Zondle is also a very fun and educational website. Like in Kahoot, a teacher makes different sets of questions about something we have learned over the year. All of the students have their own accounts, and we play mini-games while answering the questions. Every few questions that you answer, you play the



We used this for studying for the CST test. It really helps you learn because you can go on and practice any subject that the teacher made over and over again, while having fun. When you answer a question wrong, you will have to answer it again. If you answer it wrong twice, it will show you the answer. The questions that were answered incorrectly will be displayed at the end again, so you have to memorize the correct answers. This is very useful for learning.

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