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Language Arts!

Language Arts is taught by Mr. Podczaszy. He is a good teacher. In his class we often read books and watch movies about the world, which often relates to social studies, and then we use language arts to analyze the text or movie. The project I chose to share with you about language arts was the utopia project. This was based off of short stories we read about utopias around the world. In this project, we had to design our own utopias, and make an advertisement video about our utopia that convinces people to come there.

I think this project was a really good project, because it encouraged us to think about the world and what we could improve about it. My group really thought about many issues such as housing, police, consequences, education, and jobs. We decided to make a society where it is mandatory to go to school until after a college. In college, you choose a job and have to be good at it to make it into that field. Then, you work in that jobb and get paid in a sort of electronic currency. I have attached the video advertisement and document about our society to the right.


I think this project shows my best work because I was very thoughtful about the elements and laws of our society. I also spent a lot of time trying to make the video great. I also used online editing software and screencasting software to make the video, and this video kind of taught me how to use these programs well on the computer. Folr all these reasons, I think this project represents some of my best work.

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