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Engineering Elective

My elective this year was engineering, taught by Ms. Garcia. In this elective, we work on a variety of engineering challenges and problem-solve solutions. The project I would like to share in this class is the ExploraVision competition. At AdVENTURE, we take part in a lot of competitions. In this national competition, we were challenged with designing an innovative solution to a modern-day problem. My group and I created a design for a cleaner smokestack that would filter out harmful greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide and convert them into useful fuels and materials. We then had to write an extensive write-up and build a website about our product. I feel like this is one of my best pieces of work this year because I spent a lot of time trying to think of solutions to the problem of greenhouse gases and my group received an honorable mention award for our submission! I also spent about 3-4 months working on this project because we had to think of an original idea, research how this could be done, and complete our write-up, model, and website.

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