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My elective is game design, taught by Ms. Garcia, an amazing teacher. We use a site called globaloria, which teaches us how to design games using a program called flash and a programming language called actionscript. This year in elective we made three games: the hidden object game, the action game, and the team game. I chose to share with you the team game, which I worked on with two other people, August and Max. We made a game called Immune Army which teaches about the immune system. It is similar to the popular game plants vs. zombies. You have to strategically create your immune cells as your "army" and you have to fight off pathogens (which are bacteria and viruses that invade your body. I have attached the game to the right, so you can play it.

Even though we didn't get to finish the game to where we wanted it to be, I think this piece of work is one of my best for many reasons. Firstly, it shows that I collaborated. While in other games I did it by myself and could do whatever I wanted, during this game I had to practice team skills and discuss everything I did with my team, who often changed things. I had to practice using their ideas as well. Though I didn't like working as a team that much, I think this experience really helped prepare me for an engineering job, where everyone almost always works in teams. This game also shows my best work because I learnt to develop a better game than my other games. Our team made this game good by making much better graphics, adding new features and better mechanics, and adding multiple levels. Overall, this experience was really fun and shows my best work, even though I am dissapointed that we didn't get to finish it completely.

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