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Being an AdVENTURE student is a very unique experience. It is a STEM school, which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Because it is a STEM school, it is very different from other schools in many different ways. On this page I will explain how being an student there isn’t like being a student at any other school.


One way it is different is that we use a lot of technology in all of our classes. Click on tech tools to see a few of the many technology tools that we use daily to help us learn. Also, click on Elective to find out about the technology-oriented elective that we learn about at AdVENTURE. Unlike other schools, each student has their own computer assigned to them in all 5 classes! Because of this, students learn a lot about how to use computers for different programs and tools in the digital age.


Also, we do a lot of hands-on learning. This is very important to me because I learn a lot more from actually experiencing things happen than reading out of a textbook, especially in science and history. By reading out of a textbook, I usually forget things by the next month or two, so there’s no point learning it except for a test. Also, by doing projects and learning interactively, I can think about the subject and ask questions about results that might not necessarily be in a textbook. Lastly, it makes learning fun! Click on all of the classes to find out about some of the projects we have done in that class.


Another unique thing about being an AdVENTURE student is that we have many challenging and interesting assignments. One that we have every week is science weekly blogs. Every week we write a blog about either what we learnt about that week or about an interesting science article we’ve read that week. Click here or at the top to check out my blog! Another assignment we had was the "We are What We do" assignment. In that assignment, we made a pamphlet, a billboard, and a commercial to convince people about one change they can make to change the world. Many times, our assignments encourage us to do further research to learn more about the topic, so that we can go above and beyond.


As you can see, AdVENTURE is a very unique school. There are many amazing things about the program. I think that I am very, very fortunate to be a part of it.

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